tirsdag, november 08, 2011


My latest project has been placemats for a friend. I visited her cottage in July when we cycled from Drammen to Noresund, a distance of 90 kilometers for a training ride before we should participate in Fredagsbirken. Fredagsbirken and especially Birken is a phenomena in Norway among people who do regular training. We enrolled last year in October and started the preparations but after my accident I was unsure if I would  ever be able to go through it. What I found out was that it was easier for me to cycle than to walk so that made it easy. We had regular ride both together and separately. This time I stayed over night and my husband came to collect me the next morning and guess when this happened, the 22. July. We heard about the terror attack when we listen to the radio in the car back home.

Back to the cottage. When we were eating our supper after the ride I said I would like to make her some placemats to thank her for everything she had done for me during my convalescence.
During the last winter she and her husband had built their cottage bigger with a new kitchen, bedroom and a very nice bathroom. I started last week after having a real tidying in my sewing room mainly to get down to my desk and free my sewing machine. I used the pattern of AnnAKa “Byhanen” from our Norwegian magazine Quiltemagasinet.  I really hope she will like them.
"Byhanen" From Quiltemagasinet nr. 1 2008.

6 kommentarer:

Anne-Grethe sa...

Disse byhanene dine ble så flotte! Tror nok din venninne vil sette pris på dem og at de blir flittig brukt på hytta!

PJs Lapperier sa...

Ja, de är superflotta!

Sigrun sa...

Kjempefine, Elisabeth!

Unknown sa...

Byhanene dine er flotte, herlige farver du har valgt. Hit vil jeg tilbake, har lagt meg til som følger

Barbara sa...

I just saw that you're blogging again! I like the placemats you made. They look so joyful and give a good start in the morning when having breakfast :-) !

~Niki~ sa...

I wanted to let you know of my contest I have going on for a huge pack of fabric with very few signups so far! :)