This morning I woke up and could not speak at all. My husband was happy, and I actually was too. We lit the fireplace from the very morning and I enjoyed it. I could devote myself to my second favourite hobby, quilting. Last year I bought 12 blocks from a serie called Patchwork Party Summer 2008. There are 12 different blocks with patterns and fabrics from 12 different shops and you had to purchase them before a certain date.
I have sewn all the 12 blocks but have not finished the quilt yet. I bought the finishing kit from one of the shops
that offered a finishing kit and now I have to sew it all together.
When the blocks were finished I had to start here:
I cut strips and and cut them into smaller strips and squares and pieced them together. I also have remedies to keep my bad cold on a reasonably level although it lives its own life in my body.
I cut all what was needed to finish the quilt and now I have started to sew it all together. I really am looking forward to finish it. Then I will send it away for machine quilting.
My sewing machine is cooperating and everything goes smoothly.
I made some flying geese blocks today in a way I have never done before. Look at the photo here:
1 kommentar:
Du har reist på hytta skjønner jeg. Også har du blitt forkjøla, nytter ikke å rømme til fjellls å tro at man unngår det....-)). Godt at du har med deg symaskina, slik at du har noe å holde på med til du blir bedre. Vi snakkes, her er det også mye sykdom.
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